Using and trading in F-gases if no Brexit deal

Monday, February 11, 2019

Today, the Government has launched a new system to ensure the UK maintains current restrictions on the use of fluorinated gases and Ozone Depleting Substances in the event of a no deal Brexit.

Following new guidance published in December, the new system to which businesses should register to receive Fluorinated gas (F gas) and Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) quota is now live.

In the event of no deal, new UK regulations, as specified in the guidance, will apply from 29 March 2019. These new regulations will transfer most of the requirements of the EU regulations into UK law.

The system launched today, will allow businesses to register, apply for UK quota, transfer and authorise HFC quota, report on F gas and ODS activities and apply for ODS licenses.

Businesses will be able to register for F gas and ODS quota between 11 February and 12 April 2019. This system will only be applicable in the event of the UK leaving the EU without a deal.